
Cross-border project “Green Palette” has been launched

Written by Editor.






GP publicit PR eng disclaimerOn August 1, 2019 Euregio “Pskov-Livonia” section Latvia has started the implementation of the roject LV-RU-II-053 “Improvement of environmental management through joint actions in RU-LV cross-border regions” (acronym “Green Palette”). The project is co-financed by Latvia-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. This publication has been produced with the financial support of LatviaRussia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Euregio “Pskov-Livonia” section Latvia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Programme, Programme participating countries Latvia and Russia, alongside with the European Union.


Overall objective of the project “Green Palette” is to increase knowledge of relevant stakeholders and general public in sustainable use of natural resources by involving different target groups in various activities. Specific objectives of the project are: 1) improvement of the capacity of the municipalities in the border regions in efficient management of the natural resourses and risk management; 2) Development of environmentally responsible mind-set of local population and authorities in energy efficiency and renewable energy issues and sustainable use of natural resources.

The main project activities includes exchange of expierence, seminars round table discussions, masterclasses about environment management on topics such as prevention and localization of local wood and dry grass fires; spring floods prevention; fighting cow parsnip intervention; green minded behavior, illegal dumping liquidation and recycling; energy efficiency and use of alternative «green» energy; wise management of local water bodies; inter municipal cooperation for prevention and response to emergency situations. As well as public awareness campaigns and infrastructure improvements are planned within the project.

On 16th of Octobewr 2019 the project`s kick-off event will take place in Balvi. In the event will participate all project partner representatives, as well as the parties involved dealing with waste management and awareness raising, prevention and localization of local wood and dry grass fires and inter municipal cooperation for prevention and response to emergency situations

The lead beneficiary is Euregio ‘Pskov-Livonia” and 8 partners: Administration of the Pytalovsky district, Administration of the Palkinsky district, Administration of the Krasnogorodsky district, Pskov section of the Euroregio "Pskov-Livonia", Administration of Vilaka municipality, Administration of Balvi municipality, Administration of the Viļāni municipality, Administration of the Smiltene municipality.

Project duration 01.08.2019. - 31.07.2021. (24 months). Total project budget is 646 735 EUR, Сo-financing of Latvia-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 is 585 061,50 EUR

Latvia-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 supports joint efforts for addressing cross-border development challenges and promotes sustainable use of existing potential of the area across border between the European Union and Russian Federation. The Programme website is .







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